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Remote Visual Inspection

If you need to get into difficult to access places for a visual check on condition then MB Inspection have the answer. An extensive range of camera systems, including the unique capabilities of the video imagescope and video analyser are available for site inspection work.

This system developed by Olympus incorporates a miniature CCD video camera. Full colour images are provided on the monitor in real time. The equipment produces a standard composite video signal which allows the complete inspection to be stored on super VHS video for further analysis or enhancement.

The system finds typical plant and equipment problems such as corrosion pits, surface breaking cracks, tube blockages, imperfect weld profiles and so forth. If required, defects are, sized by using a sophisticated 3D measurement technique. MB Inspection was the first UK company to receive the software incorporating this technique.

The video imagescope works as a stand-alone inspection system for plant and equipment. In conjunction with other NDT systems such as IRIS and Centest 91, it provides a more detailed examination of small diameter pipe of 8mm bore or greater. Of particular value is the ability of the video imagescope to examine around bends looking at susceptible areas for erosion and corrosion.

Principal features of the system: 

  • Live colour images.
  • Complete inspection stored to super VHS video.
  • Hard disk storage of up to 250 individual images.
  • Computer enhancement of stored images.
  • State-of-the-art measurement techniques.
  • Selected portions of any live or stored image can be enlarged. 
  • Side by side display of two images for comparison or defect monitoring.
  • Can display 12 stored images simultaneously in a multi-image format. 
  • Flexible insertion tube allows access to tube diameters greater than 8mm. 
  • The system provides four-way angulation and a wide field of view.


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