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Site Inspection Services

Site Inspection Services

Performing and managing site inspection services is our core business. At the same time, MBI Inspection continues Northern’s philosophy of investing in new technology.

Inclusion of specialist NDT technology in an inspection program enhances the results by producing more and better information. It also reduces the overall cost by minimising down-time and reducing conventional inspection needs over the life of the asset.

With its portfolio of inspection techniques implemented by trained and experienced technicians the company offers an unparalleled range of services and expertise:

  • Site Services for design, implementation and management of inspection programs.
  • Small, controlled area radiography (SAFERAD).
  • Surface crack detection and sizing with ACFM (alternating current field measurement).
  • Automated ultrasonics for weld inspection and corrosion mapping. using Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) and pulse-echo techniques.
  • Tank and vessel wall corrosion scans with the ‘Spider’ remote controlled scanner.
  • Tank floor, pipe and plate scanning (flux leakage corrosion detection).
  • Long range UT and profile radiography to detect corrosion in piping.
  • Under insulation corrosion detection with pulsed eddy current (Incotest).
  • Pipe support corrosion detection using non-contact ‘emat’ probes
  • Boiler and heat exchanger tube inspection with Iris, Centest and eddy current systems.
  • Remote video surveys.
  • Thermography for insulation surveys and hot-spot detection.
  • Pressure vessel, tank and pipe testing with Acoustic Emission.
  • Tank floor assessment with Acoustic Emission.

The pages describing our various services give a brief description of their operation and capabilities. In all cases the speed of the inspection and results depend on the particular site requirements and conditions.

We are always pleased to discuss your application and visit the site when necessary to find the best way to meet your inspection needs.




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