Systems | Cutting
Systems | Belt
| Stretcher Systems
| Stacking Systems
| Plate
Stretchers | Alignment
Monitoring Systems | DDI
The standard range of MBMHS extrusion presses for
the Aluminium Industry incorporates the most advanced technological
features available.
Built to the highest standards of quality control,
the preses are designed to give optimum performance with long and
efficient operational service under the most arduous working conditions.
presses in the standard range are of 9 MN, 12.5MN, 16 MN, 20 MN
or 25 MN power; the design parameters being the result of extensive
market research and detailed consultation with press users on an
international basis. Continuous close liaison with press users allows
the designs to be regularly updated to suit market requirements.
16 MN standard extrusion press