Press | Puller
Systems | Cutting
| Stretcher Systems
| Stacking Systems
| Plate
Stretchers | Alignment
Monitoring Systems | DDI
The essence of our systems is simplicity, this in
turn leads to low maintenance. All MBMHS systems use sealed precision
bearings and there are no chains thereby eliminating the need for
table lubrication. Each belt section is driven by a motor/gearbox
on a single line shaft thus ensuring uniform belt speed. As will
be seen, the floor is kept substantially clear of equipment making
it easy to keep the plant clean.
the transfer and cooling sections, plans can be supplied with either
woven belts or heat resisting felt belts based on ‘Kevlar’. Felted
or woven ployester belts are used for the stretcher feed and batching

Belt Handling System
Quench with hood closed