Systems | Puller
Systems | Belt
| Stretcher Systems
| Stacking Systems
| Plate
Stretchers | Alignment
Monitoring Systems | DDI
Considerable improvements in metal recovery can
be achieved by the use of a moveable saw to cut the extrusions at
the press. The idea is to cut the profiles at the end of the extrusion
cycle in such a position that the length between the die and the
cut end will be a multiple of the customer required length (plus
a scrap allowance).
fulfil this need MBMHS have developed the ‘Linear Cross Cut Saw’.
This machine is mounted on a carriage and is able to move up and
down the leadout zone within a specified range (normally four metres)
to permit a cutting position at a predetermined length from the
die face. Designed to work in conjunction with the puller, complete
automation of the pull/clear cycle possible. Recovery figures in
excess of 80% can be realised with this equipment.
Parallel Cross Cut Saw
Gauge Table & Lift Off
Stop Detail
Final Cut Saw