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Motherwell Bridge Nuclear operates a 15,000 square feet training and development facility in the UK which includes a Reactor Simulator for testing, development and training of personnel and equipment operating in confined and ‘hot’ working conditions. The company also has a purpose built decontamination facility for the handling and maintenance of active equipment and plant. All of the facilities allow the company to test and demonstrate mock-ups of actual plant and equipment under simulated conditions.

The Motherwell Bridge Nuclear staff of highly qualified engineers and artisans undertakes installation, commissioning, operation and decommissioning in the most arduous conditions at nuclear licensed sites across the UK.

All activities are supported by in-house technical, design and project management support including health physics, metallurgy, NDT, remote inspection, materials testing, manufacture, CAD, training and research and development.



Motherwell Bridge Nuclear also operates a 10,000 square feet training facility dedicated to decommissioning and health physics in North East Scotland